All Greek Tragedies (and two operas): This is Season 2023/24!


“A small history of theatre and a school of life as cruel as it is poetic.”

Milo Rau on Medea’s Children (Season 23/24)


“I believe theatre is a place where we look lovingly at each other, as if together we could even overcome our mortality” : Milo Rau presented the Season 2023/24, the last season programmed by him and his team at NTGent, with a speech about the individual and the community.


The coming season will be entirely dedicated to the Greek tragedies – with performances from Gisèle Vienne to Luanda Casella, from Needcompany to STAN and from Tim Etchells to Jetse Batelaan, culminating in the All Greeks Festival: all 32 Greek tragedies, reinterpreted and restaged in the city of Ghent, “a tragedy marathon, a dream I have cherished for many years.”


Rau himself will create two brand new pieces: Medea’s Children and The Last Generation – in collaboration with many international partners, a. o. the Wiener Festwochen, for which Rau is responsible as Artistic Director since this month. His first edition will take place in early summer 2024, a “mythical, powerful and controversial theatre festival” is announced!


23/24 will also see two operas: the re-staging of Milo Rau’s “post-operaLa Clemenza di Tito by Mozart, with which the Swiss director will open the Flemish Opera in September. And Rau’s first opera of his own: the “choral elegy” Justice, created together with the Catalan composer Hèctor Parra and the Congolese poet Fiston Mwanza Mujila for the Grand Théâtre de Genève.


And, highly anticipated: These days, Milo Rau’s successors as Artistic Directors of NTGent will be announced! We look forward to continuing the adventure of the “City Theatre of the Future” – united in diversity.


Season Program