We Owe the World a Revolution: Free Republic of Vienna is Unveiled!



Where do you hear the music of Pussy Riot side by side with Mozart? Which festival writes its own constitution together with its audience, several Nobel Prize winners and declares itself a Free Republic? The 2024 edition of the Wiener Festwochen – one of the world’s largest crossover festivals for theatre, opera, music, art and political activism under the Artistic Direction of Milo Rau – will be unlike any other.


On Friday 1st March 10:00 (CET), together with composer and Academy Second Modernism member Bushra El-Turk, choreographer Florentina Holzinger, director Caroline Guiela Nguyen and music curator Fuzzman, Artistic Director Milo Rau, Executive Director Artemis Vakianis and City Councillor for Cultural Affairs and Science Veronica Kaup-Hasler present the programme of the Festival Edition 2024, including messages from festival accomplices Sibylle Berg and Kid Pex.


The programme presentation takes place at the Imperial Hotel, Kärntner Ring 16, 1015 Vienna. The event will be broadcasted via livestream.




In the midst of a crucial election year, the Wiener Festwochen will proclaim the Free Republic of Vienna, thus making the festival the very first to ever have its own hymn, flag, and revolutionary institutions.


In the tradition of the Paris Commune, Vienna – one of the five largest cities in the EU and the birthplace of classical Modernism around Schönberg, Freud and Klimt – will become the international capital of a Second Modernism this spring: a place for debates, events and celebration, where social movements meet intellectuals and artists to seek out alternatives for a common future.


During five-and-a-half unique weeks from 17 May to 23 June, the Wiener Festwochen will fuse political resistance with artistic virtuosity. The great names of classical music, opera, theatre and activism arrive in Vienna. At the same time the Vienna Trials are staged, holding politics, the media and the art scene accountable.


Join the Press Conference at Hotel Imperial, meet the festival team, our accomplices and the Free Republic’s Collective Dramaturgy Jana Beckmann, Carmen Hornbostel, Thomas Kasebacher & Iris Raffetseder.






  • “There is no one like Milo Rau in American theatre.” Portrait in The Atlantic on Rau‘s theatrical work.

  • “Art and politics in troubled times”: Milo Rau talks today Monday at the City University New York on his meetings with Alexei Navalny.

  • “The best solution of bad ones.” Rau in the New York Times about his cancellation of “War Requiem” by Greco-Russian conductor Teodor Currentzis.

  • “Accusation on the opera stage.” Deutsche Welle on Milo Rau‘s new opera work Justice.