Revolution Now! Milo Rau, Elfriede Jelinek, Pussy Riot, Carola Rackete, Florentina Holzinger and many others proclaim Free Republic of Vienna





This morning (01.02.24), Artistic Director Milo Rau, Executive Director Artemis Vakianis, artists Florentina Holzinger, Bushra El-Turk and Caroline Guiela Nguyen, together with members of the Council of the Free Republic of Vienna, unveiled the programme of Rau’s first edition of the Wiener Festwochen in the mythical venue Hotel Imperial in the Austrian capital.


On 17 May 2024, the Wiener Festwochen, Europe’s biggest crossover festival, will proclaim the Free Republic of Vienna in front of 50.000 people, broadcasted live on Austrian television. The grand ceremony marks the beginning of a 5 week long festival showcasing over 45 projects of theatre, opera, activism, music and dance – and the creation of several revolutionary institutions. Find the whole artistic program here.


The one-hundred-strong Council of the Free Republic includes, among others: Elfriede Jelinek, Carola Rackete, Annie Ernaux, Yanis Varoufakis, Kirill Serebrennikow, Oksana Lyniv, Jean Ziegler, Kid Pex, Sibylle Berg, Camille Etienne, members from the Landless Movement MST, the ZAD – Zone à Défendre, Rojava – and over 100 citizens and initiatives from the city of Vienna.


Join the Free Republic of Vienna! Because we owe the world a revolution!