“Charter for the 21st Century” adopted.
From 3 to 5 November 2017, the first meeting of the World Parliament took place in Berlin, supported by more than 30 partner organisations. In three days, 60 delegates discussed and voted on 15 agenda items that had previously been submitted and drafted together with the proposers and independent political observers (Avanessian, Ulrike Guérot, Anu Muhammad, Wolfgang Kaleck, Chantal Mouffe, Jo Seoka). The delegates came from around 20 countries, and the “General Assembly” was joined by 8 members of the German Bundestag. On the homepage of the “General Assembly” you will find all debates in full length.
Based on the motions adopted by the plenum and the extension proposals which have been submitted and discussed, a “Charter for the 21st century” was created within the last weeks in collaboration with the delegates and political observers.
The Charter, which is published simultaneously in various journals and on the homepages of the partner organisations, can be downloaded here in German, English, French and Dutch.
A second edition of the “General Assembly” in Brussels is planned for spring 2019, as director Milo Rau announced today – on the occasion of the rehearsal start of IIPM’s new theatre-production “Histoire du Théâtre” – in the newspaper “Le Soir”. While the first meeting of the “General Assembly” was primarily concerned with identifying problem areas and the methodology of a future world parliament, the 2nd “General Assembly” in 2019 will deal with concrete proposals for solutions to global problems.
Benelux-Tour of “The Congo Tribunal”.
After its cinema releases in Germany & Switzerland, THE CONGO TRIBUNAL, which won the Zurich Film Prize and was pre-selected for the German Film Award, goes on an extensive Benelux-Tour. Among others, the film will be screened at the prestigious International Film Festival Rotterdam – IFFR, at BOZAR (Palais des Beaux Arts) in Brussels, at the National Theatre in Brussels, in Leuven, Liège, Groningen and at the “Movies that Matter Festival” in The Hague.
The interactive web project and VR-installation will be exhibited at the Artefact-Festival at STUK – House for Dance, Image & Sound in Leuven and in the STROOM The Hague.
A list of the most important dates of the Benelux tour can be found here.